Mr. Reese
Vallecito Continuation High School is an alternative educational community, committed to providing all students a quality individualized educational program in a safe, orderly environment fully equipped to teach 21st century skills. As a learning community, we strive to increase student success, to be responsive to community needs, and to foster accountability for all.
To find ways to earn credit in the core areas and move toward graduation, choose anything from the "Subject Area Work" folder. Submit it to me in paper form or as a Google doc and credit will be awarded in the appropriate area. Generally speaking, there is enough work here for any student to graduate using this website alone! However, I can forward other work to you electronically or as paper packets.
VHS students, don't forget that, if you are full-time enrolled, your credit requirement will be THREE per week or more (depending on graduation status). For students failing to meet that goal each week, families (and school administration) will be notified, recognizing that student success is a group effort. This applies to both in-class and independent study students at VHS. Want to contact Mr. Reese? Email Mr. Reese.